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Hey! Iā€™m Jay. Curly-haired wild child.

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A few of my favourite things:

  • Cottage life

  • Good company

  • Stong drinks

  • My fur babies (Rex, Athena, and Callie)


The Maple Minis Values:

  • Sustainability

  • Local sourcing

  • Quality craftsmanship

  • Personal touch

The Green Initiative

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Wood & Fabric

By using recycled, salvaged, donated wood and fabrics.

WHERE IS OUR WOOD FROM? We do not cut down trees for this store. We consciously use wood from fallen trees on our cottage property! We also have wood donated to the Maple Mini Green Innititave from local wood sources.

WHERE IS OUR FABRIC FROM? Well, My self and my friends have gone around to different stores to find second had fabrics, repurposing other fabric materials to make unique items, such as scrunchies! There are some from Facebook, Value Village, and many more.

People that help out with the business:

  • Mom (wood burning)

  • Dad (cutting and sanding)

  • Friends (brainstorming creative ideas)

  • Husband (spelling and sales)

My family and friends support me with every aspect of my business. They encourage me and all of my ideas. They love to help when I need them. This business is derived from many sources of love.